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5 Website Speed Optimizations You Can Do Yourself

For maximizing the revenue, you need to speed up your website. Nowadays digital marketing’s critical factor is page speed. It affects the following things:

  • How much time is spent by the users visiting your website?
  • Which of these visitors have converted into customers?
  • What amount of money do you usually spend on the basis of CPC?
  • What is your ranking in the organic search?

You will be surprised to know that the page speed of most of the websites is very poor. As a result, their revenue is negatively affected with this.

We, as a digital marketer can do a lot of things but not at the same time. We usually push back some of these things. Sometimes optimization of page speed is also pushed back by us. But we should not forget that improving the page speed is very important for our website.

Now I am going to describe about 5 website speed optimizations you can do yourself.

1. Compress the larger images

Your site will look aesthetically pleasing if you make the use of beautiful and nice images in it. But, the performance of websites decreases by using larger image files. By reducing the image size, we can increase the page speed. It is necessary to maintain the quality of the image in this process. For doing this you can take the help of various tools. TinyPNG is a free tool which you can use in a non-WordPress website. For WordPress sites you can use a tool known as Smush. Usually, the media library of a website contains files that someone uploads there. You can automatically compress the image files present here with the use of the Smush tool. On the other hand if you want to get the right balance in the compression-quality then go for a tool that is easy to use, reliable and fast and its name is TinyPNG. It is necessary to maintain the noticeable quality of the image while compressing it. So, always use a tool that does the right compression of the image and prevents too much compression.

2. Always use a smaller number of plug-ins

Nowadays a large number of sites use plug-ins. Various specific features are present in the plug-ins. But remember that the website will take more time to load if we add more plug-ins in it. In order to identify a particular plug-in which affects the performance of a site, go for performance tests. Some excellent built-in tools that can measure the performance are present in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Open “Developer tools” if you use Chrome. Then to check the load time of all the files of your website the “Network,” tab needs to be loaded by you. Remove all those plug-ins which you no longer need. After doing this, check if there is an increase in the loading speed and for that go for the performance test again. In a large number of sites, a 75 % decrease in the load time was observed after removing around 30 plug-ins.

3. Allow website caching

If a large number of users visit a particular site and use it at the same time then there will be a drop in the work speed of database servers. Because of this the servers will not show the webpage quickly. If you want to boost the speed then it becomes important that on the content delivery network of your web host do caching of your website’s current version. When you will do this then it will be possible to save your website’s copy on servers present in other places. So, for the visitor who wants to access your website, the nearest server will load the webpage quickly. But how will you do this? Just go to the control panel and enable caching. Several plug-ins also serve the purpose. You need to install these only.

4. Assemble CSS and JavaScript files

Your site needs an HTTP request so that it becomes easy for it to load if a remote server is used to retrieve JavaScript library, stylesheet, image or any other file. If there are a large number of files in the webpage then it will load slowly because a considerable amount of time is required for an HTTP request to complete. In order to avoid this, assemble all the CSS files into a single file and do the same for JavaScript files. To compress the files, use the Autoptimize plug-in of WordPress. If you do not want to use this, edit the code manually. These are the right ways to minimize the requests. All this will boost the speed of your website.

5. Use minimum number of redirects

If you redirect your site then this can slow it down because these redirects make further HTTP requests. To check each website redirect, go and perform a scan. Allow only those redirects that are critical. Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a tool that you can use to perform this activity. If you do it manually then it will take so much time. 

If you take interest in various services like SMO, ORM, PPC and SEO then go and contact a good digital marketing company.

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