How To

Trick – How To Enable Color Correction on Android

The world we live in today is beautiful because of all the fantastic colors present. Imagine a world devoid of any color. That would be the worst nightmare, however, some people deal with it every single day.

Some people have a certain medical condition which causes them to see things without any colors. This, in common language, is known as color blindness.

People with this condition fail to differentiate between certain combinations of colors. In a few cases, some people entirely fail to recognize any color humanly known.

However, if you are an Android smartphone user, google has come to your rescue if you have any color blindness. There is a neat feature in Android called color correction.

The color correction feature is a great help for people suffering from color blindness or any eye-related medical problem. Depending on what color you can not recognize, you can set the color scheme. This helps in smoothing the visual experience of a smartphone user with color blindness.

If you don’t know how to use color correction feature on Android worry not. In this guide, we will show you how to Enable Color Correction on Android.

We will start with understanding color blindness, Types of color blindness and in the end, how to Enable Color Correction on Android – a step by step guide.

What is Color Blindness?

First, we need to understand the different types of color blindness that exist. Usually, it is a rare condition to find an individual who can not tell apart particular colors.

Medically “blindness” term is used, but it is more like color recognition deficiency. This individual is not blind.

He/she can see everything around just like any other person, however, he/she may not be able to distinguish between certain colors.

Human eyes have retinas with light-sensitive cells. These cells understand the different wavelengths of light and decode the different colors that are visible. When these light-sensitive cells and their components don’t recognize the different colors, the person fails to distinguish the same color.

Till now, there is no permanent cure for color blindness.

Types of Color Deficiency

Any individual with normal vision can effortlessly distinguish and tell apart over hundreds of different color hues. For people with color blindness, they can differentiate only about 20 color hues.

There are three common types of color blindness

1. Red-Green color blindness

This condition occurs when an individual is not able to differentiate between the color red and green. It is one of the most common types of color blindness. It is further separated into four different types

  • Deuteranomaly

This is a medical term that explains the type of red-green color blindness where a person will see green color as red.

  • Protanomaly

This condition is entirely opposite to Deuteranomaly. A person with color blindness will see the red color as green.

  • Protanopia

Under this condition, an individual is unable to see or identify the red color.

  • Deuteranopia

Under this condition, an individual is unable to see or identify the green color.

There are the most common type of color blindness and most reported color deficiencies

2. Blue-Yellow Color Blindness

This type of color deficiency is not as widespread as red-green blindness, but many individuals are suffering from this condition.

Individuals with this type of color blindness find it challenging to distinguish between red and yellow, and in the same way also, blue and green.

These are two common types of Blue-Yellow Color Blindness.

  • Tritanomaly

An individual with this deficiency is not able to differentiate between Blue and Green color as well as Yellow and Red color.

  • Tritanopia

People with Tritanopia (a type of Blue Yellow color deficiency) find it difficult to differentiate between Yellow and Pink color as well as Purple and Red color

3. Total Color Blindness

Total color blindness is also known as Monochromacy. People with this visual condition can not see colors at all. This is a scarce phenomenon of color deficiency.

If you face problems differentiating two or more colors apart, then there is a possibility that you might be color deficient.

However, the best way to be sure, is to see an ophthalmologist or visit a hospital.

When you enable the android color correction feature, you will see three options for the above mentioned three anomalies.

Depending on your condition you can choose any one option best suited for you.

When you enable this option, the layout of your android smartphone user interface will recoup for the color scheme. This way, a person with a certain color deficiency will not feel it.

However, there are many more color blindness-related conditions that exist. If an individual has monochromacy or total color blindness, he can not use this color correction feature as that individual can not see any color at all.

How to Enable Color Correction on your Android Smartphone?

If you suffer from any type of color deficiency mentioned above and find it difficult to tell apart the different colors on your android device, it’s time to start using color correction features in your android device.

Not many people know about this feature as it is not exactly in plain sight. If you are color blind or know anyone who has this condition, here is a step by step procedure to activate the color correction on your android device.

 It is an easy process. You need to follow these below mentioned very easy steps –

Step 1: Open the settings on your Android smartphone.

Step 2: Select the system option in setting.

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom and click on the accessibility in the settings.

Step 4: Click on the color correction on accessibility. It will enable the toggle and you will see color correction options.

Step 5: You will now see three modes. These are

Tritanomaly (Blue-Yellow)

Protanomaly (Green-red)

 Deuteranomaly (Red-green)

Step 6: Choose any one mode according to your medical eye condition.


Colors make our life beautiful, but it is unfair for people with color deficiency as they don’t see certain beautiful colors in their true nature.

However, with Google’s color correction feature on android, this would no longer be a case. Individuals with color blindness will not miss out on color details while using their devices.

This feature makes the user’s experience more smooth.

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By Abdul

Abdul Ansari is a freelance blogger who has written multiple articles for fitness and sports websites. He reviews outdoor and home products at On weekends you will find him playing volleyball.

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