This cheap 3D-printed home gives hope to a billion homeless. The most basic necessity of humans is food, clothing and shelter, but 1.2 billion people around the world live without housing. This fact is as…
Ai-Da robot painter, humanoid Picasso is here!
Ai-Da robot a humanoid, built by a team of scientists in UK can sketch and draw. Named after Ada Lovelace, the first female computer programmer, this AI robot can, not only sketch you but also…
3D printing using rays of light –
Some Inventions and innovations are such that they seem unbelievable. This invention seems to be straight out of sci-fi movie. We have already seen how 3D printing can solve problem of homeless. Now 3D printing…
Benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
In my previous article about Artificial Intelligence, I had only summarised What, How and Why of AI, now in this article we will discuss the various levels and give you a glimpse of where we…